*** *** : SMS Of The Day 'THE government is not God, create your own jobs'. Everyone who loots public money must be sent to prison, and no bail must be granted. *** *** : SMS Of The Day WE must set up measures to control money in Namibia. So they would rather destroy vaccines than give them to those who want boosters? What sort of Covid-19 management is this? Please explain, Kalumbi Shangula. On Saturday I went to a vaccination centre to enquire whether it's safe and good to get a booster shot, but was told the government has not approved booster shots. *** *** : SMS Of The Day SO our government intends to destroy thousands of expiring vaccines. What kind of nonsense is this from the government? Nobody would want to repeat the tiring and frustratingly slow process of obtaining ID cards just to get the new-look cards. We stand in queues for days, not being assisted unless you go to their offices as early as 04:00. *** *** : SMS Of The Day HOW can the ministry of home affairs start with a process of issuing new ID cards when they are already failing with issuing the old ID cards? We have to wait for months to receive our ID cards. May the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, guard your hearts and minds in Jesus Christ. *** *** : SMS Of The Day I WANT to salute our healthcare workers and security forces for a job well done during the Covid-19 pandemic. Teach our young people to be self-reliant and to form their own cooperatives. It is precisely this idea that gives rise to massive unemployment. *** : SMS Of The Day THE idea that the education system should meet the demands of the labour market is laughable. Sometimes I want to reset htrognes tracks of 4 minutes or more, and the bpm was in millime apprciable t. Strictly speaking, the tempo is that penny prcis bpm. However, in the studio, DP works beautifully in sync with any analog multitrack numrique if only one adding to it a "Midi Timepiece" for example. My favorite sound is ingnieur rgulirement congratulates the ease there TRANSFR to Pro-Tools work effectus on DP, which can be a big advantage when 'it says its a small ralisations studio. Automation graphic plug-ins (small restriction: VST Wrapper does not support automation, but it can be found by working in the Pluggo VST plug ins, they accept the vast majority.

Samples to make its tempo is a glare ease!

The simplicity and especially the quality of stretching, to the best del hardware samplers. few years (we had any younger!) I know different versions of Cubase and Logic have their qualities, but for me, Digital Performer is the best squenceur / DTD. I use DP3 since its release, it is since. And then again if need prcisons DP3 silent dj can grate the multi-channel (all the possibilities until 10:2)! I had dj simultanment record 8 tracks and I think if we have enough of, it can probably go far del.įinally, except use a little crappy freeware plugs, DP3 is a model of stability! Otherwise, the latency is imperceptible (I played and recorded the guitar through "Amplitube" and sundry without any problem). However, with this config and DP3.11, I do not feel important limitations face collgues working with newer version.ĭP3.11 is optimized to run in dual-processor and I've never done does not limit the number of runs or number of effects or instruments that I use without modration ( Battery, B4, Pro52, and the famous Crystal Ganymed synths, etc.) For cons, I sometimes switch to single-processor to use some plug-ins that do not support or harm the trs bi-pro (including the Pluggo) and then I have to monitor the CPU before stacking reverbs.
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I use a G4 bi-pro 2x1, 25GHz, and for the music, I stay in MacOS9.2 because OSX would require me to spend too updater software and coterait me dearly.

The translation is sometimes funny but always comprhensible (NB. I work with many plug-ins and virtual instruments including VST via "VST Wrapper" and other Pluggo and all is well (except for one hitch, however rsolue, cf. However I have friends who work with DP and a sound card diffrent or WHO in the South without the slightest problem.
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I must say that I'm "all MOTU" (sound card PCI 324 and MIDI for Micro Express by Free Midi), so the intgration is perfect. The installation is almost instantaneous.